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FHS Course Registration Information


The primary purpose of this registration handbook is to help you register for courses that will best meet your individual needs and interests, as well as fulfill the basic requirements for graduation. With this book, you will be developing a plan of study for each grade level of your remaining high school career. A well-planned schedule takes time and effort. Give thought to what you plan to do after graduation and register with that in mind. Talk with your parents, counselors, and teachers, and consider their advice in your planning. Scheduling conflicts or changes in your goals may result in alterations to your schedule, but with a well-thought-out plan, you are much more likely to get the classes you want and need.

 Registration PowerPoints

2025-2026 9th Registration PowerPoint

2025-2026 10th & 11th Grade Registration PowerPoint

2025-2026 12th Grade Registration PowerPoint 

 Course Registration Handouts

Course Registration Handbook 2025-2026

Career Decisions Booklet

2025-2026 9th Grade Registration Form

2025-2026 10th Grade Registration Form

2025-2026 11th Grade Registration Form 

2025-2026 12th Grade Registration Form 

4-year planning worksheet