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*Anonymous Tipline: (320) 968-8478*

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Welcome to Foley Intermediate School

Contact Us - Please click on links to send email
Administration Phone Numbers
Principal: Eric Bjurman
Dean of Students: Jodi Gatewood
Bus Referral Coordinator: Tara Gann
Activities Director: Eric Inglis
School Social Worker: Julie Leistico
Intermediate School Health Office: Natasha Girtz
District School Nurse: Lindy Legatt
Admin. Secretary/Registrar: Kazlin Thompson
FIS School Office & Attendance Phone: 320-968-6251
FIS (Grades 4-8) & Records Request Fax: 320-968-8499
Administrative Secretary/Registrar Phone: 320-968-8585
School Social Worker Office Phone: 320-968-8479
FIS Health Office Phone: 320-968-8582
Activities Office Phone: 320-968-8406
Lost and Found Location: FIS Cafeteria or Field House
Location: 840 Norman Ave. N, Foley, MN 56329 School Day: 8:00 AM - 2:50 PM
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday-Friday

Daily Quote
"I'm not going to focus on the bad days. I choose to live in gratitude." - Marcela Valladolid
Dates to Remember
Date Event
2/21/25 Winter Exploration Day -  Grades 6-8
2/25/25 Teacher/Parent Conferences 4-8PM
2/27/25 Parent/Teacher Conferences 8-11AM, 12-4PM, 5-8PM
2/28/25 NO SCHOOL

FIS Yearbooks
Foley Intermediate yearbooks are now on sale! Click here to view the flyer for more information and for the different ways to order.

FIS Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday, February 25th from 4-8PM and Thursday, February 27th from 8-11AM, 12-4PM and 5-8PM. There will be no school for students on Feb. 27th & 28th.A Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the FIS Media Center on Wednesday, Feb. 25th and Thursday, Feb. 27th during Parent/Teacher Conferences. The Book Fair will be open on Tuesday, Feb. 25th from 4-7PM and again on Thursday, Feb. 27th from 8-11AM, 12-4PM, and 5-7PM. Please mark these dates on your calendar and plan to visit this wonderful fundraising opportunity for our FIS Library! If you are unable to make it to the fair, please check out the online book fair by going to The online book fair will start on Feb. 24th and go through Feb. 28th.
 Quick Links

Infinite Campus Login

Online Catalog - Media Center

Library Card Online Application

McGraw Hill/ConnectED


MN State Assessments

Google Apps

Renaissance Place (AR/STAR)

Pearson SuccessNet (Math)

Study Island

Harcourt (Social Studies)


FIS Building Procedures

Homework Helper

Fundraising at FIS

MN Dept. of Education - Data for Parents & Educators