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*Anonymous Tipline: (320) 968-8478*

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Welcome to Foley High School

Contact Us - Please click on links to send email
Administration Phone Numbers
Principal: Joel Foss
Dean of Students/Bus Referral Coordinator:
Tara Gann
Activities Director: Eric Inglis
Guidance Counselor: Barb McIntire
Guidance Counselor: Dave Dahlstrom
District Assessment Coordinator: Jodi Gatewood
District School Nurse: Lindy Legatt
Administrative Secretary/Registrar: Bree Robyn
High School Office & Attendance Phone: 320-968-7246
High School & Records Request Fax: 320-968-8456
Admin Secretary/Registrar Phone: 320-968-8403
Guidance Office Phone: 320-968-8416
Health Office Phone: 320-968-8428
Activities Office Phone: 320-968-8406
Foley High School Daily Clock Schedule
Location: 621 Penn Street, Foley, MN 56329 School Day: 8:05 AM - 2:50 PM

Hey Falcon Nation!
Click here to view the upcoming athletics schedule, including Livestream and Ticket links!

Dates to Remember
Date Event
4/4-4/6 Spring Play Performances
4/8 & 4/10 High School Conferences 4-7PM
4/16/25 Choir Solo & Ensemble Contests @ Cathedral
4/18-21 Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
4/27-29 FFA State Convention

Falcon Archers
Congratulations to all Archers for a successful tournament in Becker last weekend! We had 30 personal bests and 10 perfect 50's. Eleven individuals placed in the top 10 and teams overall had good results. Next up: State Championships in St. Cloud this weekend. Go Falcons!

After School Credit Recovery Program
The After School Credit Recovery Program is for students who have failed a course or standard required for graduation. The After School Credit Recovery Program will meet on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm. Students are required to attend two days per week. If you have failed a course and are interested in completing it in the after school program see Kristi in the Guidance Office.

FHS March Students of the Month

 Quick Links

Infinite Campus Login

FlexTime Manager

Online Catalog - Media Center


FLEX Literacy/ConnectEd

See Something, Say Something

MN State Assessments

Google Apps

Google Classroom

Study Island



Student Job Opportunities

 FHS News

College Knowledge Month - Free Application Opportunities

Students and Social Networking Sites

MN Department of Education - Data for Parents & Educators