Call Us : (320) 968 7175 | Email :
*Anonymous Tipline: (320) 968-8478*

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Welcome to Foley Elementary School

Contact Us - Please click on links to send email
Administration Phone Numbers
Principal: Adam Kluver
Bus Referral Coordinator: Tara Gann
School Social Worker: Brittany Ceesay
Intermediate School Health Office: Molly Pekarek
District School Nurse: Lindy Legatt
Admin. Secretary/Registrar: Heidi Miller
FES School Office & Attendance Phone: 320-968-7286
FES (Grades K-3) & Records Request Fax: 320-968-8467
Administrative Secretary/Registrar Phone: 320-968-8541
School Social Worker Office Phone: 320-968-8432
FES Health Office Phone: 320-968-8537
Lost and Found Location: Outside FES Cafeteria
Location: 743 Penn Street, Foley, MN 56329 School Day: 8:10 AM - 3:00 PM
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday-Friday

Dates to Remember
Date Event
3/26/25 Kindergarten Field Trip to the Children's Museum

Foley Elementary Preschool & Kindergarten Registration - It's not too late!

Preschool & Kindergarten Registration 
Don't worry if you missed Registration Night, it's not too late! You can register your child for the 2025-2026 school year by clicking here!
Ms. Stuckmayer's Kindergarten SOAR Golden Spoon Class of the Month!

Ms. Jarousek's Kindergarten SOAR Golden Broom Winners of the Month!

Peep - Foley Elementary Logo
 Quick Links

Online Catalog - Media Center

FES Core Curriculum Resources List 2023-24

Sign up for P/T Conf - SignUpGenius

Volunteering at FES

FES Minnesota Report Card

MN State Assessments

IXL Math & English

Google Apps, E-mail, Drive

FES Destiny Library Circulation



Peanut/Nut-Free Snack List

Foley Elementary & Social Media

Help Your Child with Math

Reading with Your Kids

Year Round Fundraising for FES