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Pre-Calculus A/B: Syllabus

1. Tests: 75 points each. (Final test is worth 150 points)

2. Quizzes: 25 points each

3. Homework:
5 points = 100% complete and on time.

3 points = 100% complete but late. You have up to 1 week to tur ... more
A+ = 97-100
A = 93-96
A- = 90-92
B+ = 87-89
B = 83-86
B- = 80-82
C+ = 77-79
C = 73-76
C- = 70-72
D+ = 67-69
D = 63-66
D- = 60-62
F = 0-59
Seniors in the top 1/2 and Juniors in the top 1/3 of their class can earn 5 college credits through Southwest Minnesota State University (Marshall, MN).

Their college grade is calculated different than their high school grade. Their co ... more

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