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Special Education Services Glossary of Abbreviations

ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder
D/APE - Developmental/Adaptive Physical Education
DCD - Developmental Cognitive Disability
DD - Developmental Delay (ages birth to three)
DHH - Deaf/Hard of Hearing
EA - Educational Assistant
E/BD - Emotional and/or Behavioral Disorder
ECSE - Early Childhood Special Education
ESY - Extended School Year
IDEA - (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) - The federal law for special education
IEP (Individualized Education Program) - Specially designed program to meet the individual needs of students
IFSP (Individual Family Service Plan) - Plan to meet family and student's needs
IEP/IFSP Team - Key decision-makers for a particular student:  parents, teachers, support staff, administrators, etc.  The team members are listed on the IEP or IFSP
OHD - Other Health Disability
OT/PT - Occupational/Physical Therapy
PI - Physically Impaired
SLD - Specific Learning Disability
SP/L - Speech and Language Impairment
TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
VI - Visually impaired