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 News Article
Track & Field Advance to State Competition - June 9th & 10th!
Congratulations to the Foley Falcon Track & Field members who qualified for State Competition, including:
Jess Milstroh - 400m
Ryan Kurth - 100m
Dalton Bialke - 400m
Relay Teams:
4 x 100m - Ryan Kurth, Hunter Beehler, Spencer Elwell, Cody O'Neil
4 x 400m - Anthony Stauning, Dalton Bialke, Spencer Elwell, Cody O'Neil
4 x 200m - Cody O'Neil, Ryan Kurth, Hunter Beehler, Dalton Bialke

Follow the Track & Field competition results by liking us on Facebook and following our @TheFoleyFalcon tweets!

Good Luck Falcons - We are so proud of you!
Author: Web Master   E-Mail: