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FHS Daily Announcements - Friday, January 3rd

-The Deficiency List has been run.  If you currently have a failing grade in any of your classes and are participating in Winter Activities, please watch for an email from Mr. Inglis and also stop by the HS Office to pick up an Academic Eligibility Form.   You will not be eligible to participate in extracurricular competitions or activities unless you get your grade to passing and your form turned in. 


-On Monday, January 6th a grade review will be conducted.. If you have any grade that is a D- or lower you will be restricted for Flex beginning on Tuesday 01/07/2025 and lasting for three weeks. If you are on the restricted list you are required to stay in your assigned flex period (unless allowed to leave at teacher request).

If you would prefer to have freedom of movement and choice during your flex time, we encourage you to make every effort possible to have all grades at least a D or higher by Thursday, January 3rd.

Students who are on the restricted list will receive an email. If you believe an error was made when the new list is announced, please see Mrs. Gann.

To be taken off the restricted list, please ensure that your teacher emails Mrs. Gann to request your removal.


-Seniors: Navy Enlistment Screening Test (EST) Opportunity! The EST is a 30-minute test that covers the core 4 subjects of the ASVAB. Those subjects are arithmetic reasoning, math comprehension, word knowledge and paragraph comprehension. This test shares some similarities with the SAT but is designed to give the student an estimate of what they would score on an actual ASVAB and a way to open the door for students who are interested in the military. This would provide students info on not only if they are qualified, but how well they would score in those 4 subjects. See Kristi in the Guidance Office if you are interested. 


?-Seniors: Stop by Kristi in the Guidance Office or Barb in the Media Center to verify the spelling of your name for graduation materials. The way it shows on this list will be the way it's printed on your diploma! A few middle names have been highlighted because we are missing them - please write this information in the highlighted area. Sign or Initial in the space provided once you verify. See Kristi with any questions. 


Upcoming Visits:

1.3.25: Marines Lunch Visits

1.7.25: Army Lunch Visit

1.8.25: Navy Lunch Visit 

1.9.25: AirForce Lunch Visit 

1.21.25: National Guard Lunch Visit


“Friendly reminder to our student drivers from Officer Cody: MN Statute states that it is a violation for any driver to operate their cell phone or any electronic device while driving a motor vehicle. This means no phone calls, texting, playing games, internet use, snapchatting, tweeting, email, or instagram. And any other app I may have missed. Sitting at a stop sign or stoplight and using your phone is still a violation. Exemptions are making an emergency call. If you need to use your phone, please pull off of the roadway and park your vehicle in a safe manner or use a “hands free” feature or voice activation. Any questions or concerns, feel free to see me anytime. Thank you and drive safe!”

Lunch Line 1 & 2:? Barrel O’Fun Nacho Cheese Chips/ or Frito Corn Chips, Beef Taco, Black Bean Salsa Veggies, Fruit Cocktail, Orange Smiles, Fruit Churro

Lunch Line 3: Pork Street Taco, Brown Rice, Cucumber Cilantro Salsa, Black Beans, Veggies, Fruit Cocktail, Orange Smiles, Fruit Churro

BREAKFAST for TODAY: Yogurt Parfait, Strawberries, Blueberries, Granola, Craisins, Keebler Snack Crackers

BREAKFAST for MONDAY: Fritter Pancake Bites, Applesauce, Fruit Juice

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