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FHS Daily Announcements - Friday, December 6th  

-11th & 12th grade students: All Teacher Assistant / Course Enrichment Contract must be completed and turned into the Guidance Office by the end of TODAY. 


-FFA Members - Fruit and Fundraiser items will be available to pick up TODAY starting at 3:15 from the Auto Shop. See Mr. Frenchick with any questions


-10th Graders: You will be taking the PreACT test on Tuesday, December 10th. The test will start at 8:05 and last through 2nd period. 

*You must test on a school sponsored laptop - please pick one up from the Media Center on Tuesday Morning prior to going to your assigned classroom if you don’t currently have one. 

*Please store all belongings in your locker if you are able. Belongings can be stored at the back of the classroom but Cell Phones and Smartwatches must be turned off and stored in your backpack. You are not allowed to have these in your possession during the exam. 

*Plan on bringing a Non Graphing Scientific Calculator?. See Calculator Policy

*Use the restroom before going to your assigned classroom

*Room assignments are posted in the Locker Bay area

Stop in the Guidance Office if you have any questions. 


-All 9th grade students will attend the Respect Retreat during hours 1-4 on Tuesday, December 10th. Report to the cafeteria at the beginning of 1st hour and find your nametag. Dress comfortably for the day as you will be sitting on the floor at times. All cell phones will be stored in backpacks during the retreat. 

Lunch Line 1 & 2: Beef Taco w/ Nacho Cheese Chips or Frito Corn Chips,  Black Bean Salsa, Veggies, Fruit Cocktail, Fruit Churro

Lunch Line 3: Pork Street Taco, Brown Rice, Cucumber Cilantro Salsa, Black Beans, Sour Cream, Veggies, Fruit, Fruit Churro 

BREAKFAST for TODAY:Yogurt Parfait, Fruit, Granola, Craisins, Keebler Snack Crackers

BREAKFAST for MONDAY: Fritter Pancake Bites, Applesauce, Fruit Juce



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