09/20/24 FHS Daily Announcements - Friday, September 20th -Student Council is sponsoring a sidewalk art contest!! Running during Homecoming week, any team, group of friends or individual may utilize ONE sidewalk square to SHOW YOUR SPIRIT! The winning team will receive a $5 voucher to the Falcon Nest for each team member, remember to sign your work. Judging will be based on creativity and spirit!! And will take place Thursday 9/26 at 3PM
-HOCO 2024 Buttons will go on sale Monday 9/23. The buttons are $5 each and wearing a button will get you into the HOCO dance free!! The button was designed and drawn by Senior artist Delana Rife and includes the slogan: Silence the Howl
-Flex Reminders: During Flex Time, the North and South academic halls are designated solely for educational purposes. Students utilizing these spaces are expected to focus on their schoolwork and maintain a quiet voice level. These areas are not intended for walking laps or congregating with friends. If you wish to walk around or socialize, please use the hallways near the gym, the cafeteria, or the locker bays
-On Friday, September 27th a grade review will be conducted at 2:00 PM. If you have any grade that is a D- or lower you will be restricted for Flex beginning on Monday 09/30/24 and lasting for three weeks. If you are on the restricted list you are required to stay in your assigned flex period (unless allowed to leave at teacher request). If you would prefer to have freedom of movement and choice during your flex time, we encourage you to make every effort possible to have all grades at least a D or higher by Friday, September 20. Students who are on the restricted list will receive an email. If you believe an error was made when the new list is announced, please see Mrs. Gann
-Tackle Cancer shirts are in and can be picked up in the High School Office!
-If you are interested in joining Minnesota Honor Society but were unable to attend the informational meeting Tuesday during flex, please stop by Ms. Pelowski's room to get the application packets and to join the google classroom.
Necklace found: please claim in FHS office Watch found: please claim in FHS office Earbud found: please claim in FHS office
-Students should not be going to the Snack Shop before getting on the bus. Students who go to the Snack Shop before getting on the bus will be written up.
-Attention 11th grade students who are very strong test takers: The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) is an optional exam for 11th grade students who test exceptionally well. Any junior who feels he/she can score in the top ½ of 1% on the PSAT should take the test. Taking the PSAT and scoring in the top ½ of 1% is the ONLY way to qualify for a National Merit Scholarship. If you are interested in taking the test, it will be given at Foley High School on Tuesday, October 8th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. The registration deadline is Friday, September 27th. A $18.00 fee will be required when you register in the Guidance Office. Please check in with Mr. Dahlstrom or Ms. McIntire with questions.
-Attention all 10th graders! FIELD TRIP OPPORTUNITY!!! Ms. Gross is organizing a trip to the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis on Wednesday, Dec. 4th to see A Christmas Carol. The cost of the field trip is $28 which covers your ticket and transportation. We'll be gone the whole day but back in time for after-school activities and busing. See Ms. Gross for a permission slip. Turn in money and completed forms to her (room 305) by Friday, September 20th!
-The After School Credit Recovery Program is for students who have failed a course or standard required for graduation. The After School Credit Recovery Program will meet on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm. Students are required to attend two days per week. If you have failed a course and are interested in completing it in the after school program see Kristi in the Guidance Office. There are a limited number of spots available so it is important to get the paperwork back ASAP. This program starts on Monday, September 16th.
-The After School Drop-In program is for students who need extra help and support on current homework. The After School Drop-In Program will be available on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm. If you are interested in this program see Kristi in the Guidance Office. Homecoming Events!
Lunch Line 1: Ham or Turkey Deli Sandwich, Potato Smiles, Veggies, Watermelon, Applesauce Lunch Line 2: Chicken Fajita Wrap, Potato Smiles, Veggies, Watermelon, Applesauce Lunch Line 3: Hot Italian Combo, Chips, Veggies, Watermelon, Applesauce BREAKFAST for TODAY: Mini Cinnis, Fruit Juice, Mandarin Oranges BREAKFAST for Monday: Donuts, Cheese Stick, Applesauce, Fruit Juice
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